Introducing Archived Amends at

The deep background to this blogging adventure includes more than 50 years of peer counseling at Re-evaluation Counseling (RC), also known as Co-counseling.

(See the Journal for Middle Class Liberation, “Our True Selves,” at

Distinctly, alongside many other human potential projects, we’ve been experimenting with hope: reversing hopelessness about the prospects for human ingenuity and creativity and goodwill between people; reclaiming the hope to do what Brené Brown (quoting Theodore Roosevelt) calls, “Daring Greatly.”
Similarly that’s what we’re doing here: Imagining amends via categories for daring greatly—categories like:
  • Personal Amends to Self,

  • Interpersonal Amends to Others, and

  • Intergroup Amends beyond Our Differences;

Then we’ve ventured boldly to imagine:
  • Our Historical Wrongs made Right,

  • Our Ancestral Wrongs made Right, and

  • Our Institutional Wrongs made Right;

Finally, we’ve dared to imagine:
  • Our Way to Amended Futures, including

  • Our Future Reparations to Other Species—our companion species on this planetary journey; and so imagining

  • Future Repairs of our Planetary home —this island Earth that continues to harbor us despite many abuses.

Here’s how we can imagine all that: in the not too distant future, let’s just DECIDE — decide we’re going to try to reclaim our true selves; ourselves restored as noble, honorable, reliable, estimable, desirable again!
That’s our prize, that’s our reward for just imagining amends; just imagining healing harms; just imagining correcting mistakes; just imagining repairing misdeeds — imagining all that one deed at-a-time — FIRST.

And THEN everything else can follow, as we reclaim our true selves. Join us to see why we’re so hopeful at


Theophus 'Thee' Smith is an emeritus interfaith scholar at Emory University, Episcopal clergy at St. Philip’s Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia (GA) USA, and board chair at