The deep background to this blogging adventure includes more than 50 years of peer counseling at Re-evaluation Counseling (RC), also known as Co-counseling.
(See the Journal for Middle Class Liberation, “Our True Selves,” at
Distinctly, alongside many other human potential projects, we’ve been experimenting with hope: reversing hopelessness about the prospects for human ingenuity and creativity and goodwill between people; reclaiming the hope to do what Brené Brown (quoting Theodore Roosevelt) calls, “Daring Greatly.”
Similarly that’s what we’re doing here: Imagining amends via categories for daring greatly—categories like:
Personal Amends to Self,
Interpersonal Amends to Others, and
Intergroup Amends beyond Our Differences;
Then we’ve ventured boldly to imagine:
Our Historical Wrongs made Right,
Our Ancestral Wrongs made Right, and
Our Institutional Wrongs made Right;
Finally, we’ve dared to imagine:
Our Way to Amended Futures, including
Our Future Reparations to Other Species—our companion species on this planetary journey; and so imagining
Future Repairs of our Planetary home —this island Earth that continues to harbor us despite many abuses.
Here’s how we can imagine all that: in the not too distant future, let’s just DECIDE — decide we’re going to try to reclaim our true selves; ourselves restored as noble, honorable, reliable, estimable, desirable again!
That’s our prize, that’s our reward for just imagining amends; just imagining healing harms; just imagining correcting mistakes; just imagining repairing misdeeds — imagining all that one deed at-a-time — FIRST.
And THEN everything else can follow, as we reclaim our true selves. Join us to see why we’re so hopeful at