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Corporate Reparations for Sandy Hook Families

The Challenge

I’m linking this post as today’s example of reparations. It fits this blog’s profile, dedicated to “imagining amends” for all sorts and conditions of things that need repair, correction, restoration, etc. “one deed at a time.” Browse here and like this post on our Facebook page at Or archive here your own example or an amends quest of your own!

The Story

“The bankrupt Remington Arms Company has offered a $33 million settlement to nine of the families whose 6- and 7-year-old children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School [in Connecticut, USA] – in 2012. Twenty first-graders and six teachers and staff were gunned down by a 20-year-old man using an AR-15 like this one, held aloft by a Connecticut state trooper at a court hearing. Affected parents are consulting their attorneys; the money comes from Remington’s insurance companies. Joshua Koskoff, an attorney for the families, said, “Ironshore and James River… deserve credit for now realizing that promoting the use of AR-15s as weapons of war to civilians is indefensible. Insuring this kind of conduct is an unprofitable and untenable business model.” (Jessica Hill/AP, 2013)

Imagining Amended Futures

A Prayer to End Gun Violence© Daily Office Network [edited for this interfaith blog]
“We pray for the victims of the other pandemic, as gun violence ravages our homes, our streets, our businesses, schools and houses of worship.

“We pray for the children killed and injured, for their families and classmates. We pray for teenagers gunned down before their lives have really started.

“We pray for police officers who keep fighting a never-ending battle, while trying to keep themselves and everyone else safe; and we pray for an end to racial profiling in law enforcement.

“We pray for all who are depressed or mentally ill, wanting to hurt themselves or others, in a nation where guns are everywhere. We pray for the victims of crime who are forced to defend themselves and their loved ones. We pray for anti-violence activists and community leaders, in a time when new methods of protest and reform must be created.

“Let your demands for justice and cries for peace be heard, O . . . in our legislative chambers and in our hearts; may your healing grace overtake this land, through . . . Amen.
“Please add your own intercessions, supplications and thanksgivings . . .”

Posted July 29, 2021 for Morning Prayer by Daily Office Radio at


Theophus 'Thee' Smith is an emeritus interfaith scholar at Emory University, Episcopal clergy at St. Philip’s Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia (GA) USA, and board chair at