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Imagining Our Way to Amended Futures

A desideratum is a quantum of desire: the thing that is desired and therefore a measure of what is desirable; what is wished for and aspired to. In our species-wide and millennial quest for human flourishing there is a supreme desideratum—an existential desire and quantum of the highest order, by which all other desires are measured and found to be comparable or lacking: the great desideratum.

“The theme which myths and fairy tales sing of, the force which impels masses into movement, the desideratum of founders of religions, what philosophers have brooded over, the object of the enquiries of scientists, the visionings of poets, the achievements or aspirations of statesmen and revolutionaries . . .”

—Josef Weber, “The Great Utopia” (1950)[1]

[1] Josef Weber and Contemporary Issues: “Contemporary Issues: A Magazine for a Democracy of Content, was published in London and New York from 1948-1970. A sister journal, Dinge der Zeit (Cologne), published many of the same articles in German. The most influential contributor was Josef Weber (1901-1959), who wrote under the pseudonyms Ernst Zander, William Lunen and Erik Erikson.” Accessed 8/18/2015 at



Theophus 'Thee' Smith is an emeritus interfaith scholar at Emory University, Episcopal clergy at St. Philip’s Cathedral in Atlanta, Georgia (GA) USA, and board chair at